Emergency Small Business Assistance Fund Established in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
04 01, 2020 News

Emergency Small Business Assistance Fund Established in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Grand Foundation (GF) has established an Emergency Small Business Assistance Fund in response to community impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Grand County, CO. In a coordinated and collaborative effort, Grand Foundation will be the fiscal agent for this fund and is working closely with Grand County Commissioners, local towns, chambers and community stakeholders to provide grants for small businesses in need of relief. “During this time of need, it’s imperative we help protect the individuals in our county by ensuring that they have jobs to return to.  These small businesses are the character and backbone of our communities in Grand County”, said Megan Ledin, GF Executive Director. Primary focus areas for this funding will include rental, mortgage and utility assistance. 

Yesterday Grand County Commissioners committed $100,000 to help seed the fund and proposed a $1 million goal; thereby encouraging other donors to contribute. Commissioner Rich Cimino announced, “the support from Grand County will ensure we are working together with our community partners to consolidate funding into a county-wide effort that makes relief accessible quickly to our small businesses in such an uncertain time.” GF will house these fiscal sponsorship monies that will be distributed through a criteria-based application process outlined to ensure the future success of our small businesses. GF is pleased to announce that the towns quickly added their support with Granby committing $50,000 and Winter Park another $100,000.  

Contributions can be made directly to the Grand Foundation earmarked for the “Emergency Small Business Assistance Fund.”

Please mail to:
PO Box 1342
Winter Park, CO 80482
970-887-3111; Ext. 3

Or donate online:

  • Emergency Small Business Assistance Fund Established in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
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