Make a Difference

Your donations and support help to improve the quality of life in Grand County by proactively addressing current and future needs of our residents and county.

<div height-group="icon-box-title">Share Your Passion</div>

Share Your Passion

Are you passionate about something and want to see it grow in your community? Consider establishing a Donor Advised Fund to earmark your donation towards your cause.

<div height-group="icon-box-title">Enrich Your Community</div>

Enrich Your Community

Your donation makes a positive impact in our community by improving the quality of life and addressing the current and future needs of residents in Grand County.

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Support Your Community You can play a key part.

Ways to Give


Groswold Endowment Fund, of the Grand Foundation

Sustaining the Grand Foundation

The Groswold Endowment Fund was the wish of our Founder, Jerry Groswold. His desire for this fund was to continue the tradition of the Grand Foundation by investing in our community and its nonprofits. This can ensure future sustainability of the Grand Foundation and our commitment of investment.

Our Goal: In 2016, Jerry Groswold left a matching challenge bequest of $250,000 to support an Endowment Fund. Our goal was to raise a minimum of $250,000 as matching monies to sustain the Grand Foundation for future generations. We raised $750,000, giving our endowment balance $1 million. We will continue to build this fund so that we can continue and hopefully exceed the level of support the foundation gives back to the community.

Donate to the Fund


Make a General or Specific Donation

Have a specific project or program you’d like your funds to be designated to? We work closely with you to develop a program that meets your needs and interest. Or if you’d prefer, you can contribution can go towards unrestricted funds.


Donor Advised Funds

Make a Donation — Support Charities — Grow the Balance

When you give, you want your charitable contributions to be as effective as possible. When you donate to your donor-advised fund, you're making a tax-deductible donation to the organization sponsoring the fund, but because your account is a donor-advised fund, you advise the organization on how to grant the money out to your favorite charities. Your donation is also invested based on your preferences, so it has the potential to grow, tax-free, while you're deciding which charities to support.

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Real Estate

Property Donation

When appreciated real estate is given to us, such as a 2nd home or vacation property, capital gains taxes can be completely avoided and the full market value of the property is generally deductible as a charitable contribution.

Real Estate Donation

Life Insurance

Donate Old Policies

Many of our friends have permanent life insurance policies no longer needed for their original purpose. One example might be a policy acquired to assure a child’s education, but the child is now out of school. A gift of a permanent life insurance policy can provide a tax deduction the year of the gift.

Life Insurance Donation

Marketable Securities

Long-Term Appreciated Securities

These securities are often individual stock , but may also be bonds or shares of Mutual Funds. Outright of securities can be made quickly and easily and often enable you to accomplish more with your gift because of the tax benefits.

Marketable Security Donation

Ken Fosha Memorial Fund

Donate in Memory

Ken Fosha was a member of the Grand County community for almost 50 years. Along with his wife Randy Sue and the Fosha Family he owned and operated the Drowsy Water Ranch, near Granby. Throughout his life, Ken's talents and passions extended beyond ranching and hospitality. He was a founding member of the Grand County Tourism Board and served on the East Grand School Board for 16 years. Grants and/or Scholarships will be given back to causes Ken's cared for: students, youth and education.

Donate Now

Grand Pass

Play All Year-Round

Explore all that Grand County has to offer! With passes to 7 different ski resorts, including Winter Park, 4 rounds of golf at 3 different golf courses, summer activities passes and more, there’s something to keep you entertained year round. Best of all, the proceeds go towards the Grand Foundation.

Learn More

Colorado Gives

Donations Made Easy

Colorado Gives is a statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. They offer Colorado nonprofits like the Grand Foundation a unique and engaging way to increase donations, connect with supporters and spread the word about their mission and work. Grand Foundation is excited to partner with Colorado Gives for this unique opportunity.

Donate Through Colorado Gives

Estate Plan or Will

Make a Lasting Gift

By adding the Grand Foundation to your estate plan or in your will, we can help you realize your philanthropic goals. There are several tools available to make a lasting gift that will support our community for years to come.

Make a Lasting Gift

Retirement Account Assets

Leave More to Your Beneficiaries

This a great option for charitable gift planning. By using these assets to fund your charitable bequest (and leaving other assets to family members) you may be able to reduce taxes that otherwise would be imposed on those assets and leave more to your beneficiaries.

Retirement Assets Donation

Grand County Wildfire Emergency Fund

Providing Assistance to those Affected by the Grand County Wildfires

100% of donations to the Grand County Wildfire Emergency Fund will support the needs of Grand County residents who have been evacuated, displaced, or have lost their homes during the Grand County Wildfires.  

Donate Learn More

H.O.P.E. (Healing Opportunities through Prevention Efforts) Fund

Donate to support mental health needs in Grand County

Parker Seemann

The Grand Foundation is moving towards addressing financial needs not being met in the areas of Mental/Behavioral Health.  The H.O.P.E. Fund is dedicated to supporting and expanding Grand County mental health advocacy and services, substance abuse prevention and recovery services, and access to outdoor recreation as a protective factor to support mental and physical well-being. The fund was originally created in memory of Parker Seemann.  Parker was born and raised in Grand County. He loved the outdoors and skiing. Grants and/or scholarships will be given in the areas of mental health and addiction services.

Donate Now

Grand Foundation is a 501(C)(3) Nonprofit Organization as designated by the IRS and as such contributions are tax-deductible to the extent and manner allowed by law.