Our Mission

The Grand Foundation is a philanthropic organization serving all of Grand County, Colorado. The Foundation seeks to improve the quality of life in Grand County by proactively addressing current and future needs in the areas of Health & Human Services, Arts & Culture, Education, Sports & Recreation, and Environment.

Who We've Funded

Over $23.7 Million Granted You can play a key part.

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Since 1996

Grand Foundation History

Established in 1996 as the Columbine Community Foundation, the organization changed its name to the Grand Foundation in 2001. This change highlights the fact that we are truly a Community Foundation, serving all of Grand County, from Kremmling to Grand Lake to Winter Park.

The Grand Foundation has granted over $23.7 Million to more than 7,700 Grand County organizations and individuals that provide essential services and programs, touching countless lives in Grand County.

The Grand Foundation is a registered 501(c)3 organization with the Secretary of State & the Internal Revenue Service.  ID #84-1374928.

Our Founding Partners

In 1996, Jerry Groswold, then CEO of Winter Park Resort, came up with the idea of creating a community foundation for Grand County. With the amount of nonprofits that were located in Grand County, businesses could not financially support all of them. His vision was that we could create a foundation that would have transferable passes to sell to the general public, then the proceeds could be given out as grants. The Grand Foundation started with that exact purpose, which was first made available through generous donations from the four Founding Partners, Winter Park Resort, Granby Ranch, YMCA of the Rockies/Snow Mountain Ranch and the Fraser Valley Metropolitan Recreation District. The vision and dedication of Jerry, and these sponsors has made a big difference in Grand County!

winter park resort fraser valley recreation district
granby ranch ymca

Non-Profits We’ve Funded

Staff Members

Megan LedinExecutive Director megan@grandfoundation.com
Amy HooverGrants Manager amy@grandfoundation.com
Erica SponderFinance Manager erica@grandfoundation.com
Auction Coordinator elise@grandfoundation.com
Stefanie FeekDevelopment Manager stefanie@grandfoundation.com
Avery GallagherMarketing Assistant avery@grandfoundation.com

Board of Directors

ChairBen WatsonRetiredSprint
Vice ChairDr. Jim KennedyRetiredByers Peak Family Medicine
TreasurerSheri LockVice President/Branch ManagerUS Bank
SecretaryAlison McCauleyManagerYoung Life's Crooked Creek Ranch
Jennifer Armstrong              VP of Finance & AccountingWinter Park Resort
Shelly NeibauerCo-OwnerState Farm
Banning Starr                              
U.S. Forest Service
Adeline BrackettOwnerBrackett Veterinary Services
Natascha Derkonja
AttorneyNever Summer Law
Trinna TresslerRetiredDeloitte
Gretta FoshaOwnerDrowsy Water Ranch
Graham Powers                      RetiredTelecommunication Strategies
Mike RitschardRitschard Cattle Company
Nick Kutrumbos
Deno's Mountain Bistro
Catherine Ross   
Executive Director Winter Park Chamber